Hi, I’m Rali!

A Bulgarian visual artist, 
currently studying and living in Rotterdam.
I make shapely and otherworldly visuals inspired by nature and
my inner monologue. What I want to evoke with my creations is a sense of familiarity tied to curiosity for more, resulting in a feel of warped reality. Expressing myself and my emotions, but also leaving each image free for its viewer’s interpretation. 

My work varies in colour and technique. 
I equally enjoy complex colour palettes as well as 
simple black and white imagery.

With adoration to the analogue ways of making, I draw, paint, print, collage, assemble jewellery, and experiment with whatever materials fall in my grasp.

I am a curious person with the attitude of an explorer. 
Currently, looking to improve my skills and gain many more, work with even wider range of materials and start bringing my two-dimensional world into the third dimension.